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Married mama to 4 great kids. Lover of coffee, crochet, Jesus and people, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Train up a Child (and a Mama, too)

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Sounds great, huh?  The "problem" for me is, that I can't just pray that God trains up my kids, or that Graceway trains up my kids, I have the distinguished responsibility and priviledge to teach them, myself.

Sometimes, I've been known to put off the training until I've received it myself (ie learned, memorized and applied all of God's knowledge). Well, that is NOT going to happen in my lifetime, so I need to start (keep) training my precious ones, even with the understanding that I, on my own, am ill-equipped!!  I am so grateful to God that He will equip me, but also that He has equipped others to share their ideas and training tools. 

Have you ever had one of those moments with your kiddos, when the whole world felt out of control. You could see them "losing it", and  to make matters worse, you could feel yourself getting ready to hop on that run-away train? It happens to me all of the time, ALL OF THE TIME.  The thing is, I know that God provides all of the answers, I know that the answers are in His Word. It is just a matter of finding them. That is why I am so excited to share a new resource that I found!!  I finally ordered and received all of the materials needed to make our family's new Child Training Bible!!!  I am so excited about this!  I have seen this in several places... I pinned it on Pinterest, I read about (and signed up for) many give aways, but I simply did not win.  I did, however, talk my friend, DeAnn into ordering, too, and splitting shipping.

Yesterday, I finally had a moment to sit down with my new bible (bought one so that the cards would fit). If you buy the training kit, I recommend that you wait until it arrives to buy a bible, if you plan to buy a special family bible for the project as I did.  I would have used any number of bibles that we already have, but they were either too big or too small, and being the perfectionist that I am and to quote Goldilocks , I needed something that was "just right".  After starting, I do realize that a "too big" bible could definitely work for the project... 

Anyway, I sat down with all of the materials and started tabbing and highlighting. One of the best parts, was that Gaby wanted to sit down and tab and highlight her bible, too!  Sounds great, sweetie!!  She went ahead and highlighted this weeks bible verse for church, and then a couple of others that I mentioned, but she really wants to make a training bible, too.  I am not going to stop her... I just wish I had found this resouce sooner!!

One of the best things about this kit, is that it comes with some "child-training" instructions...the most important one for me to remember will be to "take a calm child aside" : C-A-L-M child...probably should NOT be "beating" my kids over the head with scripture while they are in the midst of their anger, fighting, defiance... Great concept to remember!

I found ALL of the stuff I needed for my project at childtrainingbible.com. Check it out!

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