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Married mama to 4 great kids. Lover of coffee, crochet, Jesus and people, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Pointing them to Jesus

I used to get upset when my kids made poor choices, or fought, or used foul language, or... I used to tell them how wrong they are and maybe even shout at them, or shame them, or otherwise express my disappointment.  But this was a long time ago...like last year, or last month or ahem...yesterday. Each new day, though brings such wonderful opportunities for a new approach for them and for me.  Lately, we've had some really ugly situations filled with cursing and name calling, but what an awesome opportunity to point them towards their ABSOLUTE NEED for a Savior!

Sometimes, It's just a matter of remembering that we are all still a work in progress.

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