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Married mama to 4 great kids. Lover of coffee, crochet, Jesus and people, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hello Mornings

I want to be a faithful follower of Christ.  I want to wake up early each morning and fill my soul with His breath before I do anything else.  I do.  I really do.  Wanting doesn't get it done though.  I also want to be organized and healthy and crafty.  All of those things require work, discipline, and dedication. 

I have found, over the course of my life so far, that what I need above all else is some accountability to get started and keep going.  Which is why I signed up for Hello Mornings and joined a group.  Starting August 20th, I will be committing to get up earlier each and every morning to spend some time with God.  I plan to pray and do some bible study, plan my day (by choosing 3 things that need to be done), and move my body.  Hey!  I think that by doing these things, I'm well on my way towards my wants from above, no?  Then, I plan to check in with my group and share what I am learning. 

I do have some hang ups, though.  I've tried this kind of thing before.  I have participated in several Beth Moore bible studies through my amazing church with varying levels of success.  By success I mean, getting the homework done...I have some workbooks that are virtually blank.

I do have one workbook, though, that is completely filled.  Last fall, as I was going through the Beth Moore's study, Jesus, The One and Only, I kept up with my homework and was very faithful.  As we travelled through the Book of Luke, I felt so close to my Savior.  Then, about half way through, my second oldest daughter was involved in a horseback riding accident.  She suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and was in a coma for a little over a week.  She was in the hospital for almost a month, then in rehab for several more months.  She is doing so well. She returned to school after missing nearly 2 1/2 quarters and ended the year with all A's and B's (previously a straight A student).  Her recovery has been miraculous.  And I owe it ALL to my Lord, who selected the doctors, nurses, teachers and therapists to put in Gaby's path.  Throughout her time in the PICU and her recovery, God has been faithful with me, as well.  So many passages from the bible came to me, through loved ones and friends that I had just studied.  God provided me with so much peace.  I saw so many people that prayed for her before, during and after our ordeal.  I was shown the faithfulness of children who prayed for her.  I have been forever humbled by how others love us... how much God loves us.

Since the accident, I have gone through another bible study, but my book looks very similar to those older workbooks, with more blank lines than filled ones.  I enter into this next committment to prayer, study and time with God with excitement, joy, and a bit of trepidation.  I want to be faithful, yet when I was last faithful, trials came, as they always do. 

But, then I remember...what would I have done without Him?

If you are interested in Maximizing your Mornings, then sign up for the Hello Mornings Challenge!!!  There are still spots open!  This challenge runs from August 20th - November 16th. Check it out!


  1. What an awesome testimony! God is so faithful - isn't HE? I have the same problem with bible studies...more blank lines than filled. BUT GOD is faithful and will help us.
    Blessings to you!

    1. God is so good! Thank you for reading and commenting!

  2. All praises to God! Your testimony inspires me. Indeed, Jesus is the Only and One!

    1. I am thankful each day for Him! Thank you for reminding me that it is part of my testimony!

  3. Wow. I can't imagine what you went through. I pray it becomes a catalyst to lifelong incredible growth in your relationship with God!

    1. I first heard of your website while in the hospital! Thank you!

  4. Beautiful post! You can do this Challenge! I'll be praying for you.

    1. Thank you for your prayers! I am excited for the challenge.
